The sheikh answers briefly on how to use the index finger during the tashahhud. This aired 18/05/2011 fatawa 'ala al hawa'. If you cant see the subtitles please click on the red 'cc' and choose 'Engli...
Sheikh Saleh al-Fawzan on 'fatawa 'ala al hawa' on Saudi1 channel the 29th of June. This video includes 11 fatawa and below are the questions/fatawa: 1. Visiting a sick unconscious person. 0:14 2. Obl...
Sheikh Saleh al-Fawzan on vomit and that it nullifies the wudhu'. Everything that comes out from the stomach breaks the wudhu'. When a baby throws up on one's clothes then one can clean that stain awa...
The sheikh answers two questions, the first about praying behind someone who speaks ill about the scholars and the second about praying before the beggining time (salah). From 'fatawa 'ala al hawa' Sa...
Shaykh Al AlbÄni shares with us his view that the actions of individuals who blow themselves up in our day and time are doing so without the backing of the sharia and are considered haram. He consi...