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42. "The best of people in recitation are those who when they recite, you see that they fear Allah." [Bayhaqi, Sahîh]


Jesus is coming back Islamic view

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Both Islam and Christianity expect the return of Jesus at the end of times, and both expect trials and tribulations to occur at the time.  Many of the themes of these trials are similar, but they are also very different in detail and definition.  Both religions expect the nation of believers to be the final victors, but the Christian believes that these are defined as the believers in the Gospel of the New Testament and in Christ as ‘the Savior’ and ‘the Incarnation’ of God, whilst the Muslim knows that it refers to those who believe in the pure monotheism entailed in submission to the One and Only True God.


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Jesus in The Quran

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Jesus or Isa in Arabic (peace be upon him) is of great significance in both Islam and Christianity. However, there are differences in terms of beliefs about the nature and life occurrences of Jesus . There are about 71 verses in the Quran that refer to Prophet Jesus.


Read more: Jesus in The Quran

Khalid Yasin - The Historical Jesus

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Crucifixion of Jesus? | Khalid Yasin






 Khalid Yasin - The Historical Jesus (Part 1 of 3) | HD


Khalid Yasin - The Historical Jesus (Part 2 of 3) HD


Khalid Yasin - The Historical Jesus (Part 3 of 3) HD